Emulsion Lift Prints are an Alternative Printing Process that differs from a photograph print. Both start out the same as digital images from the computer. Both are printed using the same printer. However, whereas a photographic print is completed once it is printed on paper, the Emulsion Print begins its life printed on a transparent film and then is hand painted with an Emulsion. Painting the film actually moves the ink a bit resulting in brush marks, streaks, and various types of imperfections. The emulsions are mixed with gold and or pearl micas giving the images a luster and 3-dimensionality that you will not see in a photographic print. The process continues when the film is soaked in water. While in the water the emulsion, a very thin material, will separate from the film allowing its removal from the water. It is then adhered to cotton paper. The paper and images are hand sized and will have size variations, i.e., will not be a perfect square. When dry it is ready for shipping, framing and ready to bring extra beauty to your space! Please note that colors may vary from what appears on your screen.